Artists in Residence

At Women Rising Wild we cherish the arts and the women driven by a wild spirit to soulfully move in relationship with and for our Earth mother to produce celebratory and honoring works of beauty and intrigue. Artists, through their art, are an important bridge for people to connect their hearts and minds to ideas, forces, and inspirations that restore and deepen conscious relationships with nature, soul, and the great mysteries of life in the cosmos.

Welcome, to our Artists in Residence.

* To learn more about an artist, to view their work, and to support their crafts please visit their personal websites, online shops, and like and subscribe their social media.

Artists’ Spotlight

Adrienne Stohr Lewis (Artist in Residence, 2024)

Mixed Media Artist, Community Herbalist, & Creativity Coach
at OTTER WOMAN eARTh Medicine
Screen Shot 2023-12-17 at 3.00.33 PMAdrienne believes that working creatively with the healing wisdom of nature, women can find their own health and personal freedom. She says “You are the link between the earth and the sky, between your health and happiness, between the dreams you have and your calling here on eARTh.”
OtterWoman | Otter meaningAdrienne’s creative works captivate the heart – inspiring curiosity, openness, and a will to connect to something wilder inside ourselves. Her imagery charges viewers with ancient shamanistic healing energies that arise through her own reciprocal current of love, compassion, and care with the more than human world while engaging in her own therapeutic process with nature.
Otter Woman | Hand drawn hawk drawingConnect with Adrienne:
Find her on IG